The Kaz at 13 |
Today, June 7th, is Kasper’s birthday. Born in 2001
he is now thirteen years old. He isn’t doing so well. The last half year
has been rough for the two of us as he became sick last November and
was diagnosed with diabetes, which is common to his breed. The first
couple of months trying to get the insulin dose right was difficult, but
eventually we found the balance point - except that any change in routine can still cause problems. This past month and a half has
been the hardest as he has developed separation anxiety and become
paranoid about being crated. These most recent behaviors are age related
and probably signs that there are more health issues going on; quality
of life is deteriorating for him. He still enjoys walks, though they are
much shorter. He still occasionally takes off racing around the tables in his figure eight route, but the race is slower and shorter in duration. He still loves people and is as sociable as ever, but
often because of hearing loss and dimmer eyesight he isn’t aware anyone is near so his overenthusiastic bursts of joy in greeting them have
become more subdued. He sleeps more during the day, but is often restless at night. I make adjustments daily to try to ease
his anxiety and meet his needs and I don’t suppose he will be with me
much longer.
How grateful I am for the good years we’ve had
together. My faithful companion through the worst of times, he’s been
there to make me smile and to help keep me going.
❤ Happy Birthday, Kasper. ❤
June 7, 2001 - June 23, 2014
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